Dark Roast

Our Most Popular is Barcelona
The Dark Roast*
Once beyond the middle roast, beans make a dramatic transformation. The surface of the bean glistens with an even coat of oils. The color darkens to a burnt umber (French Roast), eventually a true black (Italian Roast). Carmelization and carbonization create a flavor that is unmistakably “dark.” It is a myth, however, that a dark-roasted coffee is stronger than light-roasted. It is the amount of the coffee used in brewing that affects the coffee’s potency. The flavor of a dark roast is not subtle and is often an acquired taste.
Below menu reflects retail pricing. Prices listed reflect 12oz. whole bean or ground. See extended menu for more options. Customers with wholesale accounts will be charged accordingly. Prices subject to change without notice.
*Note: Coffees are listed from left to right as lightest to darkest.