Fun Coffee Facts

  1. The first "coffee break" on the moon took place at 7:27pm, July 20, 1969. It was three hours after landing and four hours before the historic walk that an astronaut on the Eagle spacecraft radioed Houston control to say, "If you'll excuse me a minute, I'm going to have a cup of coffee."
  2. It takes an entire year for a coffee tree to produce only 1-1.5 pounds of coffee. This represents approximately 2,000 hand-picked cherries to result in one pound of roasted coffee as we know it.
  3. Coffee became the national drink in 1773. At this time the colonists were so angered by King George's tax on tea that they responded with the Boston Tea Party and a strong allegiance to coffee.
  4. Coffee is the second largest commodity in international trade, second only to oil.
  5. More than half of all Americans drink coffee, averaging 3 ½ cups per day.
  6. Finland holds the per-capita title, with each person drinking more than four cups per day. This means, for each cup of coffee consumed in by an American, there are 2.6 cups consumed in Finland.
  7. Most coffee cherries contain two half round beans, but in about 10% of the cases, the cherry contains only one round bean. When this occurs, it is called a "peaberry."
  8. Johanne Sebastian Bach was so taken by the romance of the beverage, he wrote his "Coffee Cantata" and in it hailed coffee as "the most precious of blisses...."
  9. Coffee has been in use since about 900 A.D. It was first used as a stimulant, a wine, and as a medicine.
  10. Which has more caffeine, tea or coffee? A pound of tea, on average, has nearly twice the caffeine of a pound of roasted coffee. But a pound of tea yields about 160 cups, while a pound of coffee makes only about 40 cups. The net result is that a cup of tea contains roughly one-quarter the caffeine in a cup of coffee.
  11. Caffeine content is nearly identical in all shades of roasts of coffee. In fact, it is slightly less in a very dark roast. Caffeine content is directly related to the altitude at which the coffee is grown. The higher the altitude, the less caffeine. Therefore, gourmet coffees are naturally lower in caffeine than typical supermarket canned coffee blends.