Chocolate Espresso Mousse Cake

Deep Dark and Delicious

This recipe by David Lebovitz is sure to be a crowd pleaser. A great way to serve and satisfy both chocolate and coffee lovers in one cake. He describes it as "strong bittersweet, and creamy-smooth with a soft, luscious melt -in-your-mouth texture that is so tender it practically evaporates seconds after you take a bite, but the intense chocolate flavors lingers on and on and on. Bliss!"

"The full, roasty flavor of espresso is terrific in this cake", although David says you could use very strong-brewed coffee. The kids will love it too but you may want to substitute with decaf espresso and possibly a lighter cream or whole milk to make it healthier and more kid friendly. Either way, you and they will not be disappointed.

Choc. Espresso Mousse Cake Recipe by David Lebovitz

Makes 12-16 servings


12 ounces (340 gr) bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1/4 (100 ml) heavy cream
2/3 cup (160 ml) brewed (extracted) espresso
5 large eggs, at room temperature
pinch of salt
1/2 cup (100 gr) sugar


1. Lightly butter a 9-inch (23 cm) spring form pan and wrap the outside of the pan with aluminum foil, to seal it watertight. Set the cake pan in a larger pan, such as a roasting pan, large enough to make a water bath.

2. Preheat the oven to 325 F (160 C).

3. Put the chopped chocolate with the cream and espresso in a large heatproof bowl.

4. Set the chocolate over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring gently until melted and smooth. Remove from heat.

5. In a standing electric mixer, whip the eggs, salt, and sugar and whip on high speed until they hold their shape, about 5 minutes.

6. Fold half of the whipped eggs into the chocolate, then finish with the remaining eggs.

7. Scrape the batter into the prepared cake pan. Add warm water to the roasting pan so that it reaches half-way up the outsides of the spring form pan, creating a water bath.

8. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour, until the cake is slightly firm, but will still feel soft in the center.

9. Remove the cake pan from the water bath and set on a cooling rack until room temperature.

To Serve

Slide a knife along the outside edge of the cake pan to release it from the pan. Release the outside ring of the spring form cake pan. Can be served at room temperature or chilled.

Because the cake is delicate, David suggests to slice it with a thin, sharp knife dipped in very hot water and wiped clean before making the next slice. You can also use a length of unflavored dental floss pulled taut and drawn across the diameter of the cake, to make wedges.

This cake can also be frozen and sliced icy-cold with a hot knife, right out of the freezer. It tastes pretty good cold with a scoop of ice cream or frozen yogurt—a great warm weather dessert for summer.